Keith Haring Rocker I 塗鴉人物木製家具 *Last One
Made in France 法國設計、法國製造
Mini (and big) art lovers will appreciate this unique design. The French toymaker, Vilac fuses timeless wooden toys with modern art for a toy that doubles as a collectible for your living room or playroom. Constructed from durable lacquered wood in black and red, this design is based on Keith Haring's iconic work, "Radiant Baby." Made in France, the rocker takes inspiration from 90s pop art. Little ones will enjoy holding on the sturdy wood handles and rocking back and forth.
Keith Haring從小在父親的耳濡目染之下開始畫漫畫。Keith的繪畫天份年輕時便嶄露無遺,19歲就在匹茲堡藝術與雕塑中心舉辦個展,而後Keith就開始在街上、地鐵、俱樂部及舊舞廳創作,1980~1985 年間Keith創作了數以百計的公共塗鴉!Keith的街頭作品遭到兩極化的評論:有人說覺得「創作」,也有人覺得是在「破壞」公物,因為他的作品就是地鐵上的塗鴉繪畫,然而流暢的塗鴉線條卻讓許多人留下了深刻印象。他的作品中許多人物塗鴉都象徵對社會現象的一種嘲諷。
尺寸 Dimensions
本體:60 x 51 x 43 公分 (需自行組裝)
Dimensions: 60 x 51 x 43 cm (Self Assembled is required)
品牌故事 Brand