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Bodum I 玻璃熱水器


*最新訊息* 暫時缺貨,需要等候約3周到貨! 

北歐工藝 BODUM® – visionary innovation for over 70 years



冰冷的冬天,來杯暖暖的溫開水 😁 


五段式溫度控制 60ºC, 70ºC, 80ºC, 90ºC, 100ºC

Tea aficionados take note! The BISTRO electric kettle has been crafted especially for tea lovers, where precision of temperature is crucial to the perfect brew.

Some teas are too delicate for boiling water, such as green or white tea, which become bitter when steeped at high temperatures. This clever water kettle allows you to choose between five temperature settings ranging from 60ºC to 100ºC, so you can use the optimum temperature to suit your drink of choice.

With its innovative double wall construction, handy warming function, and stylish design, this double glass kettle ensures a perfectly brewed cuppa every time, whether you’re drinking white, green, or black tea, or making coffee or hot chocolate. 

  • Stylish double glass kettle with temperature control.
  • Five temperature settings for different types of tea: 60ºC/140ºF, 70ºC/158ºF, 80ºC/176ºF, 90ºC/194ºF, and 100ºC/212ºF.

How It Works


寬 23 公分 高 26.5 公分 深度 19.3公分 

容量:1.1 公升



BODUM 的歷史可以追溯到 1944 年,當時 Peter Bodum 在丹麥哥本哈根創立了公司。 BODUM 以其標誌性的法式壓壺咖啡機和標誌性的斯堪的納維亞設計美學而聞名,現已發展成為全球家居用品品牌,在超過 55 個國家/地區進行分銷。該公司總部位於瑞士,繼續在其核心原則下內部開發所有產品,即良好的設計應該既實用又實惠。產品範圍從咖啡、茶和玻璃器皿延伸到廚房電器和小工具。該品牌是一家家族企業,如今由創始人的兒子 Jørgen Bodum 掌舵。 “好的設計不一定很昂貴,”彼得·博杜姆 (Peter Bodum)。


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